Grading Policy:
I. Formative Assessments (40%)
Here is the break down of this category:
Unit Tests (20%)
· There will be a test for each unit that includes multiple choice and extended response questions.
· The percentage will be determined by the average of the Unit Test(s).
Long Term Project, Portfolio (20%)
· Individual or group projects will be assigned throughout the school year.
· Work will be graded using a rubric based on conceptual understanding of the assigned task/question and effort.
II. Performance Assessments (40%)
Here is the break down of this category:
Entrance Tickets/Quizzes (15%)
· Announced and unannounced quizzes/entrance tickets will be given throughout the school year.
· An unannounced entrance ticket will be open note, where students have the opportunity to use their video handouts as reference notes.
In-Class and Tenmarks Assignments (15%)
· Math labsheet/worksheet will be assigned on a daily basis and randomly selected to be graded.
· Tenmarks assignments will be randomly selected to be graded.
Homework (10%)
· Homework will be assigned daily.
· Work is expected to be legible, neat, and on time.
III. Classroom Standards (20%)
Here is the break down of this category
Teamwork (10%)
• Listen to others attentively during group activity.
• Participate in discussion, frequently answer questions, and explain ideas to your team or class.
Readiness (10%)
• Come to class prepared with all supplies (notebook, folder, pencil case, agenda, etc.)
• Use class time productively and complete all course requirements to the best of his/her ability.